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Monday 11 October 2010



Before you get started, it is important that you have a space to upload your Web site
When it is completed. BGSU offers 15 MB of free personal Web space for each
student, so you can use this space to upload your project.
To activate your personal Web space, follow these steps:
1. Log onto your MyBGSU Account.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the My Computer Accounts box (Fig. 1).
3. Click the Add Server Account button.
4. In BGSU Server Account Registration window, check the box next to Personal
(Fig. 2).
5. Click the Submit button. Now your Web space is activated.
NOTE: An email will be sent when your account is activated


First, you need to decide what you want to put on your website: images, buttons,
videos, PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, etc. To create and maintain an
organized website, you need to establish a hierarchy of folders that contain all of the
components that make up your site. This folder is called your Local root folder. This
folder is important because this is where Dreamweaver looks for all your files.
To create a root folder, follow these steps:
1. Create a new folder on your desktop. On a Mac, click File > New Folder. On a
PC, right-click and choose New Folder.
2. Give the folder a brief, but descriptive name. Do not use capital letters, spaces,
or special characters when naming folders and files for your website. All of your
pages will be saved within this folder.
3. Open the folder, and create another new folder inside. Name this folder images.
Put all of your images, buttons, movie files, etc. inside the images folder.
NOTE: Make sure that all your pages and images are saved in your root folder, or
they will not appear the next time your website is opened
to download this course click here

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