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Thursday 14 October 2010

Web Design & Development

Web Design & Development

1. Why Should your organisation use the web?
To answer this question you’ll need to think about the following areas:
 Who do we communicate with at the moment?
 What types of information do we communicate?
 How might the web might us communicate more efficiently?
 Are there new ways it might help us communicate?
 Which are the areas it may not help us

Be aware that
Creating a Web site is easy, but creating a good one is not!
For organisations that are about communication a bad Web site is worse than no Web site at all!
This is why the planning process is crucial. Creating a web site without knowing how it fits into your
organisations communication and marketing processes should be avoided. Creating a web site with no planning can be easy, just open up your web design package and start. However, you probably won’t be pleased with the results

2. Some reasons to use the web
To publicise your service
Many organisations start off with a simple site like an on-line brochure. The site can explain
what your organisation does and how people can contact you, and should include the
information that people most often want from you
Your site is open 24 hours a day; 7 days a week
People can often find it difficult to get to an agency during opening hours. They may be
working or have to care for children, public transport may be poor, or they may have mobility
problems. A website is available at any time, to anyone who can get to a computer
You can update information immediately
It can take weeks to design and print a leaflet and leaflets can still turn up years after they are outdated. Your web site can always hold accurate and timely information
You may be able to reach people who don’t use your service now
The Samaritans have provided a well-known phone service for many years. They now also
provide a service by email, publicised on their website. The organisation has found that 9 out
of 10 people who seek help by e-mail wouldn’t use their phone service so they have extended
the service they provide.
You may be able to link people who would benefit from working together
Using the web people can exchange information and expertise quickly and easily.
You may be able to develop your service
You can use a website to sell publications or other products, or to take bookings. You can use it to get the latest news to individuals and groups instantly.
You may be able to build a campaign
The internet is playing an increasingly high-profile role in campaigning. Email and the web
were used, for example, the current anti Iraq war campaign. There are other, more local
examples. North Yorkshire Forum for Voluntary Organisations have campaigned successfully
against local cuts using an online email campaign which circulated briefings and reports
directly to groups and members of the public.
You may raise your profile
Tony Blair has pledged that all government services will be deliverable in electronic form by
2005, and this reflects the fact that the government is keen to encourage use of the internet.
In general, for an agency to have a website implies to funders and other bodies that the
organisation is forward-thinking and dynamic. It.s not a reason in itself to get a website, but it
is an added bonus of having one.
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